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Gauge Lighting FAQs

  • How does the gauge lighting system work?

    There are two types of lighting on our gauges, pointer lighting and dial lighting. The pointer lighting is simply accomplished via LEDs and requires 12 volts on the white wire in the red/black/white wire ribbon. The dial lighting is accomplished via an electroluminescence panel behind the dial. T...
  • What is the inverter (black box) used for? Do I need it?

    It is a DC to AC inverter. Yes, you do need it for gauge dial backlighting. It is not necessary for gauge operation. The dial lighting is accomplished via an electroluminescence panel behind the dial. This panel glows when it is subject to around 100 volts AC. The DC to AC inverter takes 12 volts...
  • Do I connect both white wires together and tie to lighting?

    Yes, the gauge is lit using both white wires. The white wire that is next to the red and black wire lights up the pointer (gauge needle). The white wire that comes out of the black box (inverter) lights up the gauge dial (gauge background- numbers etc.). Combine both white wires together and conn...